Grades 8-10: Confirmation Track

8th Grade
Grade 8 students meet monthly on Wednesday afternoons. The reduced number of sessions opens up our post-b’nai mitzvah class to students who really want to participate, but have limited time. This year focuses on tikkun olam topics such as hunger and homelessness, as well as continued learning about the Holocaust. In years past, some of the afternoons have been spent volunteering together at Cor Unum or other service locations.

Texts & Materials: Life & experience! Supplemented with Jewish texts and “Praying With Our Feet.”

Confirmation is a culmination of our students’ Jewish learning journey. In confirmation class students have the opportunity to explore their Jewish identities, big Jewish ideas, current issues and ethical choices with our experienced educators in a relaxed environment. The class culminates with a Shabbat service led by the confirmation students on a Shabbat close to Shavuot (usually in May or June). The confirmation class meets for 10 sessions on Sundays, for one hour.


Students in grades 8 through 12 are encouraged to participate in our madrichim program,designed to help our teens develop as leaders and to provide our religious school students with excellent role models.


At Temple Emanuel, our pre-teens and teens are part of a meaningful, joyful and connected community as they explore and deepen their Jewish identity. Our youth and teen engagement programs facilitate Jewish experience and provide flexible options that allow this vital cohort of our congregation to stay connected in ways that align with both their interests and their schedules.