
Sisterhood brings together the women of Temple Emanuel to enrich and nurture our congregation, serve the local and greater community, and create opportunities for kinship and connection. We are a vibrant, dynamic group that contributes time and talent to provide stimulating programs, organize social justice projects, host social gatherings and raise funds to support essential Temple Emanuel initiatives. 

Sisterhood is committed to equity, diversity and inclusion in all that we do. We are a place where all of our members and supporters experience a sense of belonging. Our membership is open to Temple members who identify as women, nonbinary and gender fluid, as well as to those who identify as Jewish and those who may still be on a journey toward Judaism, but have a commitment to Jewish values. 

Temple Emanuel’s Sisterhood is affiliated with the Women of Reform Judaism (WRJ), a network of Jewish women working together to empower women and communities through the bonds of sisterhood, spirituality and social justice. 

Here are just a few of our programs along with opportunities to connect with the wonderful women of our congregation while living Jewish values: 

The Judaica Shop
Hermie’s Chosen Gift, the Judaica shop at Temple Emanuel – run by Sisterhood volunteers – features Judaic gift items, art and ritual objects, jewelry, toys, books, cards and more for all occasions. 

Camperships and Scholarships
Sisterhood grants camperships and scholarships to support participation in Jewish camps, summer experiences and Israel travel programs. 

College Student Care Packages
Sisterhood keeps your child(ren) connected to our community by sending care packages to college students of Sisterhood members – and to children of those who make a $54 donation per student to Sisterhood’s college student program – for Rosh Hashanah and Passover, including treats and personal messages from the rabbi and Sisterhood president. If you would like your child(ren) to participate, be sure to join Sisterhood or make a donation, and register your child(ren) here.

Welcome Back Supper
Our annual evening of food and camaraderie to acknowledge those women who have paid Sisterhood dues and believe in the importance of belonging to and supporting Sisterhood.

Spring Soiree
Our annual ways and means event is an always-anticipated special evening including a catered dinner, guest speaker and an auction to raise funds for the many programs supported by Sisterhood.

Share the Light
Each year Sisterhood partners with local agencies to provide holiday gifts and cheer to children in need – one of the many ways we work to create a more compassionate world.

YES (Youth, Education and Special Projects) Fund
Temple Emanuel’s Sisterhood is a proud supporter of the Women of Reform Judaism’s YES Fund, which provides grants to Reform Movement partners and other Jewish programs worldwide focused on youth, education, special projects as well as diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives.

Please join us!

Upcoming Sisterhood Events

  1. 30 Mar

    Mah Jongg Class for Beginners

    9:30 am - 10:30 am

    Next dates: 06 Apr | 27 Apr |
  2. 31 Mar

    Monday Night Mah Jongg Spring Edition

    7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

    Next dates: 07 Apr |
  3. 03 Apr

    Mah Jongg

    1:00 pm - 3:00 pm

    Next dates: 10 Apr | 17 Apr | 24 Apr |
  4. 17 Apr