Israeli-Americans Address the Anniversary of October 7 in the Jewish Journal

Rabbi David Wilfond, among other local Israeli-Americans, offered thoughts on the anniversary of October 7. Read an excerpt below:

Rabbi David Wilfond has only seen “the old Israel.”

“B.C.,” he said, reflecting on a trip that concluded shortly before Oct. 7, 2023. “Before Catastrophe.”

Wilfond, an Israeli-American who recently became the spiritual leader of Temple Emanuel in Andover, speaks to family and friends in Israel almost weekly. He lived there for 21 years.

“People have been living on edge,” he said, noting in particular the anxiety surrounding the ongoing threat of an Iranian attack – a nightmare, which, at the time of publication, has now become reality. “This is going to take decades of trauma processing, both for Palestinians and for Israelis. This is a huge trauma.”

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